Understanding Your East Asian Friends Part 1


This Understanding Your East Asian Friends course will equip you to befriend people from other cultures and build bridges to local international communities.  It will help you to engage in simple friendship building and provide a basic understanding of unique characteristics of East Asian culture and how to avoid misunderstandings.  This first course looks at the importance of cross-cultural understanding.

By the end of this introduction course, students will gain an entry-level understanding of diaspora peoples and their significance in shaping global outreach. Students will develop a keen understanding of different cultures. They will also cover communication challenges that will help to avoid misunderstandings.  

Course Outline

1. Diaspora Peoples—why are they important?

2. Culture and Worldview

    • Linking Behaviors and Values
    • Universal, Cultural and Personal Distinctions

3. Understanding Other Cultures

    • Comparing Eastern and Western Cultures

4. Communication Challenges

    • Tips to Avoid Misunderstandings

5. An Interview of a Person from Another Culture